
Selected Projects from 1993 to 2019

1993-1994  War–Violence–Friendship

Under the patronage of UNICEF-Germany. Originated as therapeutic treatment of traumatized refugee children from the Balkans. Later on it was presented in many districts of Berlin as an interactive travelling exhibit.

1994  Building in Berlin

Children developed and laid out proposals for the renewal of Berlin. They then delivered their designs to builders with a call to consider the safety of children and handicapped persons in their planning.

1994  My City, Your City

An exhibition that has emerged within the framework of the German – Polish youth cultural exchange program; in connection with the presentation of the documentary film "Berlin–Toruń" in the Polish Cultural Institute in Berlin and the Children's Gallery in Toruń.

1994  Against Violence and Racism

Benefit concert at the SFB Broadcasting Hall: "From Children, by Children, for Children". Revenues went to children’s projects for the furthering tolerance and a better understanding between peoples.

1995-1996  I haven’t seen a Butterfly here

Paintings and poems from the Theresienstadt concentration camp in the Czech Republic.
First price winner of the Harold Bob Foundation for exemplary design; supported by the Youth and Family Foundation of the State of Berlin.
Exhibition in "Museum für Volkskunde - Dahlem" SPK.

1997  World Dove Campaign

Children from the entire world painted their fantasy doves rendered with wishes, dreams, and worries.
The results were symbolically presented to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in May '98.

1998  1.World Exhibition of Children's Art "Atlantis"
Including Children’s Program

Under the patronage of UNICEF–Germany.
Traveling exhibition under the motto: "Atlantis – Lost Paradise? Mysterious Fantasy Island? Your Environment", was held in Berlin at Domäne Dahlem.
It was then presented around the world.

1999  Cultural Youth Exchange Program
Germany – The Czech Republic – Luxembourg

Interactive exhibitions in Berlin, Prague and Luxembourg including exchange of ideas among educators.

1999  "Children's Rights" Campaign

Within the context of the "UNICEF-Capital for Children" crusade, pupils painted and wrote their messages to politicians. Subsequent presentations in Berlin and Bonn.

2000  2. World Exhibition of Children's Art "Millennium"
Including Children’s Program

Under the patronage of UNICEF–Germany. A Portrait of People and the Environment at the Turn of the Millennium. The exhibition was held in Berlin at Domäne Dahlem. It was then presented around the world.

2000  Cultural Youth Exchange Program:
Germany – Argentina – Lithuania

Interactive exhibitions in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Lincoln and Vilnius, including exchange of ideas.

2001  Cultural Youth Exchange:
Germany – Bolivia – Greece – Russia

Interactive exhibitions in Berlin, La Paz and Sucre, including exchange of ideas.

2001  World Exhibition of Children's Art "Millennium"

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.
The exhibition was held in Valetta, Malta at the
St. James Cavalier–Centre for Creativity.

2002  3. World Exhibition of Children's Art "Noah's Ark"
Including Children’s Program

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.
The travelling exhibition was held in Berlin at the open-air museum Domäne Dahlem. It was then presented around the world.
Presentation of paintings from our partner institutions in Berlin.
  The Colors of Children from the Czech Republic
  The Colors of Children from Bolivia
  The Colors of Children from Greece
  The Colors of Children from Belarus

2003  Week of Tolerance – Feasting Transcends Borders

5 days, 5 countries, 5 ambassadors, and 5 Berlin school classes cooking together, sampling and approaching one another in the kitchen at the Museum Domäne Dahlem.

2003  Marketplace of Democracy

Artists from other countries, living in Berlin, involved spectators in a spontaneous street theatre, to abolish clichés and prejudices against other cultures.

2003  Interactive Traveling Exhibition "Noah's Ark"
at the Goethe Institute Nairobi, Kenya

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany
Work with street children, HIV infected children and refugee children from Burundi and Rwanda.

2003  Interactive Travelling Exhibition "Noah's Ark"
im "Maacher Kulturhuef", Luxemburg

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2003  Interactive Children's Exhibition
"Sport and Children's Art"
an the Goethe Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2004  4. Biennial World Exhibition
"My House - My Blue Planet Earth"
Including Children’s Program

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany,
Open-Air Museum
Domäne Dahlem. It was then presented around the world.

2004  Action Week against Racism "Show Yourselves"

Ambassadors from Georgia, South Africa, The Czech Republic and Ghana in dialogue with young people discussing issues like : What can I do against violence and racism? What is a "non-violent struggle"?

2004  Children's Festival on Universal Children’s Day

Organized with the support of the Diplomats’ Club, by the A.A. "Welcome to Berlin", 23 Ambassadors took part in the preparations for the children's festival and celebrated together with the children from low income districts at the "The Westin Grand Hotel" in Berlin.

2004  Interactive Traveling Exhibition
"My House - My Blue Planet Earth" Including Children’s Program at the Museum "San Francisco" of Cuba

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2005  Event Präsentation of the Book
"Tsunami - My lost Paradise"

at the "Löwenpalais", Berlin.
The pictures and texts by children from South East Asia and Africa are of indescribable power, love, hope, and humanity. They cause us to think and act.
The proceeds from this book sale will support orphans as well as our work with children from families with low incomes in Germany and around the world.
Support from ERTOMIS Foundation, publisher for KKM.
In commemoration of all the children, who lost their short lives to natural disasters.

2005  Interactive Traveling Exhibition
"My House - My Blue Planet Earth"
Including Children’s Program at the Goethe Institute and
the Kuala Lumpur Library, Malaysia

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2006  School Projects in Berlin "Play, Art and Music"

under the motto: How Do I Treat Nature and My Fellow Humans?

2006  Interactive Traveling Exhibition
"My House – My Blue Planet Earth"

Invited to the Centre Cultural de Rencontre and the "Baim Engel"
in Luxembourg, together with the exhibition
"The Colours of the Children from Luxembourg".
Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany

2006-2007  5. World Exhibition of Children's Art "Still life"
Including Children’s Program

At the Open-air Museum Domäne Dahlem, followed by a tour around the world.
Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2007-2008  Projects in Schools and Recreation Centers for tolerance and a better understanding between peoples

Art projects in senior centers connecting the generations.

2007  Exhibition in Berlin at the Malaysian and Bolivian Embassies with Children’s Program

"The Colors of Children from Malaysia"
"The Colors of Children from Bolivia"

2007  St. Nicholas' Day and Christmas Event for Children

Donation of books from the Museum of Children’s Art to children in hospitals and children's hospices in Berlin.

2008-2009  6. World Exhibition of Children’s Art
"I am an Artist" Including Children’s Program

At the Open-air Museum Domäne Dahlem, followed by a tour around the world.
Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2009-2010   Projects in Schools and Recreation Centers in Berlin "Play, Art and Music"

for a better understanding between peoples.

2009-2011  7. World Children Art Exhibition "Fantasia"
Including Children’s Program

At the Open-Air Museum Domäne Dahlem, followed by a tour around the world
Under the patronage of UNICEF – Germany.

2010  Presentation of the Book "Fascination with Balls
from Ancient Times up to the Middle Ages"

These colorful pictures of children from around the world are fascinating complements to the little stories about ball games from ancient times to the Middle Ages
We devote this book to all children, who so far had no possibility to develop their own personal strength or to test their talents and especially to those children, who had to grow up too soon.
The proceeds from this book sale will support our work with children in Germany and worldwide, particularly those, who are excluded from society.
With support from the DFB and Jens Mittelsten Scheid.

2011  Projects in Schools and Recreation Centers in Berlin
"Play, Art and Music"

for a better understanding between peoples.

2011  St. Nicholas' Day and Christmas Event for children

Donation of books from the Museum of Children’s Art to children in orphanges and residential communities in Berlin.

2012  Active for Education

Projects with young people in orphanges and residential communities in Berlin.

2012  Donation of Books "From Children of South East Asia
to Children, for Children in Germany".

2013 - 2014  World Children Art Exhibition
"Give me your Hand"

Under the patronage of UNICEF – Berlin.

2014 - 2018  Projects in the Kitas, Schools and Recreation Centers in Berlin

"Play, Art and Music"

2015 - 2018 Donation of Books "From Children of South East Asia to Children, for Children in Germany".

© Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V.