Agreement Declaration

Please print the following, to send by fax or mail.

I hereby declare a supporting membership for the
Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V. Berlin-International.

Name, Last Name:  ..................................................................................................

Address:  .....................................................................................................................

City, Country:  ...........................................................................................................

Telephone Number:  .............................................................................

Individual membership with an annual contribution of EUR 60.-
Family with an annual contribution of EUR 100.-
Sponsors, companies and benefactor(s):
      annual contribution from EUR 500.-

Date and Signature
(In the case of minors, signature of the legal representative)

Transfers made to:

Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V.
Hartmannsweilerweg 9 14163 Berlin, Germany

Direct Debit Authorization:

I hereby authorize the Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V.
to charge annually my contribution, to which may be revoked.

Bank Name:  .....................................................................................................

Account Number:  ................................................................................

Routing Number:  .................................................................................

The Debit Authorization is valid until further notice and may be, at any time, revoked by writing..

Date and Signature

Kinder- Kunst- Museum e. V. ,
is recognized as a non-profit organization for youth care, in accordance
with Section 10b of the Income Tax Act (§10b EStG)
and section 9, number 3 of the corporation tax law (§ 9 Nr. 3 KStG).
Recorded at Charlottenburg's Registration Court under the
number of: 94 VR 14723. Jurisdiction: Berlin, Germany
Bank: Berliner Sparkasse
IBAN: DE86 1005 0000 1040 0084 50
Address / Office: Hartmannsweilerweg 9, 14163 Berlin Germany

Charter of Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V.

§1 Name, location, fiscal year and membership
1) The association carries the “Kinder-Kunst-Museum e.V.”.
2) The association is located in Berlin, Hartmannsweilerweg 9, 14163 Berlin.
3) The fiscal year of the association is the calendar year.

§2 Purpose, tasks and benefit to the public
1) The purpose of the association is to promote young artists.
To that, the association collects, catalogs and displays the artworks of the young artists from around the world. Through an international meeting place for art interested children and adolescents, the association wants to promote the understanding of children and adolescents for the arts and human interaction
- By international exhibition on art, music and educational work, among others, in order to contribute to an international understanding.
- Targeted projects against racism and violence to peace.
- Events such as festivals and exhibitions, particularly in the areas of visual arts, literature, theater, music, dance and multimedia.
- Preparation and implementation of international youth encounters with the focus on Eastern and Central Europe
- Publication of books, catalogs, school calendars and postcards produced by young people, info prints for young people.
- Initiating and implementing projects of youth work for special groups, such as, disabled young people, young people of foreign origin and members of minorities in Berlin.
- Cooperation between the generations.